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Saturday, March 27, 2010


Writing is an interesting, wonderful, amusing source worldwide. People don't get very far without learning to write, and when they do learn they have to learn to write good. Writing is one of the best ways to get famous and have fun! But people need to have passion. People need to write with a reason. I write blogs and stories to amuse people. What about you?
Good writing grabs people. It makes people feel like they're really there! Either in astorm on an old ship or sneaking through an old man's garden. But if you're not a writer, don't fret! There are many opportunities! JUST FAMILY, FREINDS, AND STRANGERS, READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You are absolutely right! Having passion in your writing makes the difference between a reader's passing you by and actually taking the time (a precious thing!) to read what you've written. As a matter of fact, that's my mission over the next few months. Cornell University Press has said it will publish my book--but the writing is very wordy and as a result very dull. My job now is to transform it from a bunch of words into something that someone else might actually *want* to read!
