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Monday, February 15, 2010


February 15:
Today I've been thinking about music.
It reminds me about my post about love because music and love are closely linked. though the world would survive without music, yet it would be quite different. Most of what people think about is music. There's music in stores, homes, and even inside our minds. Many people have a song in their head, or are thinking of a song. People even write songs so their song is the one in people's heads.
Singing is also a big part of it. Though, that's one of the parts that most people aren't good at. But what makes me really angry is when peple use technology to make them sound better.
Well, it's their loss. It doesn't matter. But what does matter is that we embrace music while we have it.


  1. You're right, "Auto-Tune" is cheating!

  2. I completely agree with you since I have always been interested in music and have sung with various groups since high school. I also think it's important to listen to all types of music and not limit yourself. The only kind of music I don't have on my ipod is hip-hop. How about you?

  3. I'm impressed with how observant you are. Not everybody stops to think about how music is really everywhere we go practically. And if it's not playing, it is indeed in our heads. I was in a meeting today and had a really annoying song running through my head. Someone said just one word which made me think about a silly song and I replayed that song in my mind for hours! Now, thankfully, I can't even remember which song it was..

  4. How often do you see someone with a beatific smile and wonder, "why is that person so happy?" And then you see the ear buds and you understand.
