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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Future Librarian

Hello, everyone! Recently, I’ve learned about YEP (Youth Employment Program) jobs at my school, so I looked at the job postings and selected the one I liked.

In this case, I chose the library to work at. I’d organize books(because many people don’t keep them that way!), dust shelves, and help people find books. I had gotten very excited on that aspect, for I love to read and suggest.

I’m elated about working there, especially since my job starts on Monday! Mrs. Heider (the woman who organizes the whole thing) had informed me that Mrs. Conrow (the librarian and my employer) was very happy I was working for her, since she knew I loved reading and helping out.

It’ll be tough work, and I’m a very busy person, but I know I can manage!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Something that has always been very puzzling to me is why people don’t like school. Sure, it’s a lot of work and school taxes are high, but it’s amazing how you can learn new information and skills everyday! There are also extra-curricular activities which make each day different. And I don’t know about you, but I love coming home everyday and sharing my new knowledge. Schooling has also trained me to be very organized, having to keep up with home and schoolwork, long-term projects, and making sure I keep my grades up. Most of my friends I’ve met through school. I love to learn and socialize with new people.

I love learning new things about technology as well, which makes writing a 5 paragraph essay a lot easier!

All in all, I don’t know what I’d do without school. I’d have no organization, commitment, and social skills without. And you probably would too.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Procrastination is a problem I've suffered with for quite a while, not even noticing I had it. But don't we all? At some time or another we put things off, thinking they're too hard, thinking it's not due for a long time, or we just don't want to do it. This has never happened in school, since I'm a straight-A student, but I put things off at home. I never post on my blog (sorry, by the way), I don't make greeting cars until last minute, and I spend WAY too much time on the computer. It's just...these things suck you in and when you get concious about doing something, the day's almost done. But in a book I read, I got a wonderful idea. Every day I write a daily to-do list to keep track of my task. And the book had said to prioitize and do the hardest items or the items that are due the soonest first. This way, if I didn't have time to do the less important things, I can just save it for tommorow. So I hope all of you followers are learning, right now, as you're reading, and if you have any interesting procrastination experiences, share them! And I promise that I will post at least once a week!