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Sunday, January 16, 2011


Procrastination is a problem I've suffered with for quite a while, not even noticing I had it. But don't we all? At some time or another we put things off, thinking they're too hard, thinking it's not due for a long time, or we just don't want to do it. This has never happened in school, since I'm a straight-A student, but I put things off at home. I never post on my blog (sorry, by the way), I don't make greeting cars until last minute, and I spend WAY too much time on the computer. It's just...these things suck you in and when you get concious about doing something, the day's almost done. But in a book I read, I got a wonderful idea. Every day I write a daily to-do list to keep track of my task. And the book had said to prioitize and do the hardest items or the items that are due the soonest first. This way, if I didn't have time to do the less important things, I can just save it for tommorow. So I hope all of you followers are learning, right now, as you're reading, and if you have any interesting procrastination experiences, share them! And I promise that I will post at least once a week!


  1. I'm glad I didn't put off reading your blog until tomorrow, Claude; sounds like you're committed to thwarting everyone's arch enemy PROCRASTINATION! Good luck with that and keep us posted! Thanks!

  2. Claudia, I just figured out a few years ago that I should do the thing I least want to do first. That doesn't mean I do it though!
    You and I should have a procrastination contest....if we ever get around to it!

  3. I live with Uncle Bob. He's been a good trainer for me and a role model for not procrastinating. Even so, it's so easy to do!

  4. I have 2 to-do lists. One for work which is very long, so long that I never get to the end of it! The other is for all the things I need to do at home. My lists of things to do got so overwhelming that I ended up making it in Excel so that it's easier to manage. Now I always put the start date and the due date on my list, that way its really easy to see how long I've been procrastinating! That encourages me to just get it done and move on to the next action item!

  5. Oh, wow! That sounds like a good idea, Kristen! To do list sort of help me, but I usually don't get everything done. It's easier during the school year when I have more of a schedule.
